Thursday, September 2, 2010

Out and About on the Rail Trail

By Janel Bedard.

The rail trail has reopened throughout Morgantown, following sewer work completion, and is packed with a variety of users. The rail trail is a great asset for city residents, providing several opportunities to interact with nature while getting in shape. The rail trail has become popular with different groups or users; therefore we all need to pay attention to safety issues so that it remains a pleasant and safe recreational resource for our city.

  • When you are walking or running, always stay to the right hand side of the rail trail.
  • Always walk with a friend.
  • Walk no more than two abreast.
  • Look both ways when you cross the trail.
  • If you are out with your animals, keep your animals on a leash, under control, and to the right side of the trail.
  • Be careful with your children. Children tend to wander or move unexpectedly, which may place them in the path of a bicycle or rollerblader.
  • Teach your children to watch out for bicycles or other moving hazards. Teach your children to stay on the right hand side of the trail and to look both ways before crossing the trail.
  • When you are out for a bike ride, respect not only the safety, but the experience of pedestrians on the trail. An unexpected “pass” by a bike will startle a pedestrian even if there is no collision.
  • Do not use the rail trail for serious speed riding or large group fast riding.
  • Unless passing, always stay to the right hand side of the trail.
  • Keep speeds below 15 mph when there are pedestrians present. Slow down to walking speed when in areas of significant pedestrian density.
  • Always let other users know you will be passing them with a friendly “on your left”, or a bell or other device capable of giving an audible signal.
  • Keep your passing consistent and always pass on the left. If other users are in the left hand side of the trail politely say “on your left” and wait for them to move to the right side of the trail.
  • Rollerbladers may try to use the whole trail, but they must keep right and listen for faster users to pass.

All users are responsible for keeping their eyes and ears open when on the rail trail. While listening to music or the radio may be alluring, keep at least one ear open at all time to hear other users and remain safe.

Following these simple guidelines can keep everyone safe on the rail trail this summer!

An edited version of this article was published in the Dominion Post on September 2, 2010 page 1-D as Etiquette for the rail-trail

Janel Bedard is the WVU Cycling Club representative on the Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board.

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