Sunday, May 1, 2011

Why Bike Shops over Department Stores

When purchasing a new bike you basically have 3 choices: Local Bike Shop (LBS), Department Stores, online retailers. This article intends to explain why you should seriously consider purchasing from your LBS.

Department stores seem like a good opportunity to get a bike for a cheap price. Unfortunately, most cheap department store bikes are made with low quality parts designed to keep the price down. Department store bikes are commonly assembled by unskilled employees, and often have improperly adjusted components and bolts that are not correctly tightened. Often the parts cannot be repaired; sometimes they can’t even be replaced. Department stores seldom have mechanics that are competent to repair bicycles.

Proper fit is probably the most important aspect of your new bicycle. A poorly fitting bike can be difficult or even painful to ride. Department stores seldom have staff that is trained and skilled to help you select a bike that fits you properly.

Cheap bikes are usually heavy and difficult to pedal up hills. A few pounds may not seem like a big deal, but for a child of 50lbs, the difference between a 30lb bike and a 20lb bike is 20% of their body weight.

An online retailer can sell you a quality bike for a discounted price if you can do your research and know what you’re buying. However, you won’t be able to try the bike out and make sure it fits. When it arrives, you may have to assemble it. You will also have to adjust it to perfect the fit and to ensure that all parts are properly tightened and adjusted.

A reputable bike shop will provide you with knowledge to make an informed decision and to get a bike that fits you and your needs. Your LBS will set the bike up especially for you, most important if you have special physical needs. They will usually provide a free adjustment after a short break-in period, which will be needed with any bike. And, perhaps most importantly, they’ll be there for you if you need future service and can handle possible warranty claims. LBS are also local business run by your neighbors, and they support local cycling.

You’ll probably enjoy riding a good light bike that fits well much more than a cheap bike doesn’t fit right, that’s heavy, difficult to adjust, difficult to ride and difficult to maintain. While you might save money in the initial purchase price, what’s the value of the bike if it just hangs in your garage?

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